How do I add Brushes or Swatches?
Here's a quick Photoshop video answer to a far-too-common question: Exactly how do you add brushes and/or swatches into the palettes? DOWNLOAD VIDEO
There’s no Oil Paint Filter in Photoshop CC. What do I do?
Uh oh... Unfortunately it looks like Adobe removed the Oil Painter Filter from Photoshop in the latest version of Photoshop CC. The Oil Paint Filter is referenced in a few tutorials from this site. But there's good news! With Photoshop CC you have access to previous versions of Photoshop. From the menu of the cloud app you should be able to install the previous version of CC or CS6.
What version of Photoshop do you use for the tutorials?
Older tutorials use version 7 of Adobe Photoshop. Some of the newer tutorials use Photoshop CS thru CC. Almost all concepts can be applied to any version but there might be some slight differences.
I’m an aspiring comic book colorist looking for work or get noticed. Do you take submissions for your studio?
Yes we do. If possible, please post your images in our forum. Otherwise send RGB 2mb or lower Jpgs to support@digitalarttutorials.com Unfortunately we can't answer any emails concerning submissions, but rest assured we review everything that comes our way.
I have questions about Photoshop, techniques, etc. Will you answer them?
Sorry we can't answer non-tutorial support questions directly. Please post a message in our forum and another artist may be able to answer it.
Are you planning to do any more tutorials?
Of course, sign up for our free mailing list on the homepage to be notified when they're released. We release a few batches of Tutorials a year. We also have infrequent but spectacular specials our newsletter recipients are privy to.
What are the computer system hardware requirements for the tutorials?
Just about any computer made within the last 8 years or so should be able to view our tutorials just fine. Install Quicktime and run one of our free tutorials to try things out.
You can install quicktime for free from: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/
Can I order outside the United States?
Yes you can. An instant download link is presented after checkout.
I’m having trouble opening the Photoshop (PSD) files. What can I do?
If you have trouble opening the files, open them through Photoshop. Launch Photoshop, Click File, Open, and select the file.
I’ve purchased and downloaded the tutorials what now?
Make sure you have Quicktime installed. You may download it at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/. After that simple double click the tutorial you'd like to view.
How soon can I download my tutorial after I purchase it?
After your purchase is completed there will be a Download button. If you missed the button and closed the window, you should also receive an email shortly after purchasing. If you do not receive the email please check your SPAM, JUNK, TRASH etc. folders. If you do not receive the email within 6 hours, please support@digitalarttutorials.com with your name and exact order.
Comic Production Secrets
If you're serious about making your work into a mass-produced format, you need to know the secrets of this tutorial! Comic Book and Printing veteran Brian…
Advanced Digital Coloring Vol. 1
Ready to take your digital coloring to the next level? Photoshop Master Brian Haberlin will show you how to use 5 different styles of coloring! From…
Faces & Expressions Vol. 1
Learn the fundamentals of structure (literally from the bones) to advanced knowledge (skin pliability, muscles and their effects depicting age and weight) every artist should know…