Whether you’ve been a digital artist for years, just starting out, or looking to find a way to bridge your traditional skills to the digital art medium, we welcome you to the world of Digital Art Tutorials: The secrets professionals don’t want you to know, but use themselves!

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‘The Practice Archive’
See how the comic pros do it in this amazing once in a lifetime file archive. Pencils for you to...
Advanced Digital Coloring: Volume 1
Ready to take your digital coloring to the next level? Photoshop Master Brian Haberlin will show you how to use...
Advanced Digital Coloring: Volume 2
Get your digital coloring skills to the full professional level! Our final Advanced coloring tutorial comes with 4 full-length lessons...
Advanced Digital Inking: Volume 1
Learn how to digitally ink and take all your black and white artwork to the next level! 160 minutes spanning...
Advanced Digital Inking: Volume 2
The all-important act of inking has recently moved into the Digital Age! In this tutorial, Brian shows you all the...
Advanced Digital Inking: Volume 3
The latest in the popular Advanced Digital Inking series supercharges your digital inking with even more tips and techniques that...
Backgrounds, Scenes, Skies
Background Painting has never been easier! Get a full crash course on painting backgrounds, scenes and skies with this enlightening...
Beauty of Black and White
Take your black and white art to the next level of professionalism and capability! Award winning Photoshop artist Brian Haberlin...
Beginning Coloring
Want to learn how to get those fantastic comic-style colors yourself? Industry veteran Brian Haberlin shows you how in this...
Beginning Inking
Watch as world renowned Photoshop professional, Brian Haberlin, walks you step-by-step from a complete novice into the mysterious world of...
Beginning Lettering
Watch step by step as special projects lettering virtuoso, Francis Takenaga (Aria, Spawn: Godslayer, Realm of the Claw, Trakk (Stan...
Beginning SketchUp
Watch step by step as world renowned digital artist and animator, Allen Coulter (3D game and TV characters and animation...
Comic Production Secrets
If you're serious about making your work into a mass-produced format, you need to know the secrets of this tutorial!...
Comic Style: The Spawn Way
Straight from the pages of Todd McFarlane's Spawn, artist Brian Haberlin teaches you how to color the Hell-Spawned Anti-Hero! In...
Digital Inking
Learn to take inking from the page to the screen with this informative tutorial from veteran comic book inker Brian...
Grayscale Painting
Watch as famed comic book colorist and Photoshop expert Brian Haberlin takes grayscale artwork to full color! Brian will transform...
Grunge Style
In this tutorial, veteran artist Brian Haberlin show you how to get that unique grunge style to your work using...
How to Draw Faces & Expressions, Vo
Learn the fundamentals of structure (literally from the bones) to advanced knowledge (skin pliability, muscles and their effects depicting age...
Monsters & Creatures
Have you always wanted to create your very own terrifying Monsters and Creatures? Award winning Photoshop artist Brian Haberlin shows...
Oil Painting & Watercolor
Watch as Brian Haberlin shows you just how fast and easy digital oil painting and watercolor can be! In this...
Photoshop Brushes
Ever wondered how professional artists make their art look so good? It's gotta be the brushes!Veteran artist Brian Haberlin shows...
Santa (FREE)
Learn how to paint Santa just in time for the holidays with this FREE tutorial from Brian Haberlin. [tutorial_info running_time="1...
Sketch To Paint
Watch and learn as comic book legend Brian Haberlin shows you his process taking a piece from Sketch to final...
Smudge Style
In this tutorial, artist Biran Haberlin teaches you the unique style of smudge painting. Go from traditional a full pencil...
Special Effects
Give your illustrations a professional edge with amazing Special Effects, taught by world renowned artist Brian Haberlin! Lasers, smoke trails,...
Super Babes
Creating sexy super babes just got a lot easier thanks to this game changing how-to from artist Brian Haberlin! He'll...
Tint Style
This coloring technique is the most versatile and fastest I've ever developed. Built to work over art that has tones....
Tips & Tricks: Volume 1
World renowned Photoshop artist Brian Haberlin gives you his secret tips and tricks to boost your Photoshop prowess! These techniques...
Tips & Tricks: Volume 2
Increase your speed with another enlightening Tips and Tricks tutorial from award winning artist Brian Haberlin! In this video,Brian will...
Tips & Tricks: Volume 3
The latest volume of tips and tricks to instruct, improve and inspire! Watch step-by-step as world renowned Photoshop artist, Brian...
Tips & Tricks: Volume 4
More time-saving, idea-spawning tips and techniques for Photoshop artists! Watch step-by-step as world renowned Photoshop artist, Brian Haberlin, walks you...
Tips & Tricks: Volume 5
Looking to increase your productivity? Look no further, because professional Photoshop artist Brian Haberlin is here to help! In the...
Tips & Tricks: Volume 6
Watch step-by-step as world renowned Photoshop artist, Brian Haberlin, explains the overhauled, powered-up brush engine and new bristle brushes. Take...